Project Spotlight: Blank Park Zoo Tree Removal

Blog Category: Tree Care
December 9, 2014 by Ryan Burlingame, Account Manager

One of our tree crews, under the watchful eye of Tree Care Crew Foreman Graham Groover, spent some time at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines removing about 20 ash trees that were located all around their grounds. We enjoyed spending time working at the zoo and even got a chance to see some animals – click here to see the Facebook album showcasing our work on the project.

We removed their ash trees from the park to prepare for emerald ash borer (EAB), which we know will eventually be identified in the Des Moines metro. While removing is one option, applying chemical treatments to prevent the tree from an infestation is another. Our current weather isn’t conducive for conducting preventive applications, but we’ll begin again in the spring when the leaves start to grow back on the trees. Learn more about EAB and tips for the future of your ash trees by clicking here.
