Fall is a wonderful time to embrace your outdoor space! Our team of plant experts can create fall containers and displays to add color and focal points to patios, decks and entrances!
We rely on the season for inspiration by selecting plants that will complement your space. Containers and landscape beds can host plants with a variety of shapes and colors, and our plant experts will make sure you have a good representation of dimension, height and volume. If you know what you want to incorporate into your fall landscape – great! Or, if you’d like to have our team come up with a creative design and select the plants to match the season, we can do that too! Planning on having some containers around your home but not sure which containers to choose? Check out this blog post to learn about different sizes, shapes, colors and materials.
Whether you’re looking to add seasonal elements to containers or landscape beds, we’ll make sure your landscape looks great all season long! View photos of past fall container and display projects here. We would love to add that special fall color to your home or office. For more information on seasonal color, visit us online, or give us a call at 515.987.0800.