Wright Outdoor Solutions is proud to produce and sell recycled hardwood bulk mulch products. We have several varieties, including single processed, double processed, brown and black colored and certified playground mulch available for pick up, delivery and/or installation.
Mulch provides a wide array of benefits and returns nutrients back to the ground when it biodegrades. All of our mulch products come from recycled tree products and are produced on site at our facilities on Raccoon River Drive. Read on to learn more about the benefits of mulch, how to calculate your mulch needs, and how to select the proper style of mulch.
100 square feet
27 cubic feet
14 bags (2 cubic feet each)
To determine how many cubic yards of mulch you will need, determine the square footage of the area you need to cover and divide by 100.
Length x Width = Square Footage
Square Footage/100 = Cubic Yards
Utility Mulch
Processed From: wood chips & larger tree debris – may contain leaf material
Color: natural golden brown
Size: varies
Use: commercial or non-decorative purposes
Single Processed Hardwood Mulch
Processed From: hardwood logs
Color: natural golden brown, dark brown and black
Size: particles range from fine to 6”
Use: landscaping – long lasting & stays in place when installed
Double Processed Hardwood Mulch
Processed From: hardwood logs
Color: natural dark brown
Size: particles range from fine to 3”
Use: landscaping
Certified Playground Mulch
Processed From: chipped logs that are screened to produce a consistent product
Color: natural golden brown
Size: particles range from 1-2”
Use: playgrounds – slows moisture evaporation & inhibits weed growth